Our Services
Home Loans
The prospect of buying your new home can be both exciting and groan worthy. The thought of all the research and paperwork is enough to make most buyers shudder.
Vehicle and Asset Finance
Offering a wide range of motor vehicle financing solutions, we’ll help tailor a competitive interest rate, and flexible repayment structure to suit your needs.
Commercial Property
Being in a position to buy a commercial Property is exciting! Get your process underway with Red Bricks Commercial property Loans today!
Business Cash Flow Loans
Are you a small business owner. Does your business need the cash flow boost to buy stock, hire more staff or renovations. Business credit line and cash flow loans available with minimum documents.
Self Managed Super Funds
Most people have heard of self managed super funds (SMSF’s) and many people are aware that SMSF’s can borrow money to purchase property for both commercial and personal applications.